Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Computer Nightmare And Other Stuff

My poor old computer had to be put down. Hard drive crashed, everything gone. So now I am using my hubby's Dell. He's trying to be patient with me as we share.

I need to purchase a new hard drive. What a bummer. Oh well, thats life. In the meantime, I'm still at the scrapbooking store while we try to offer discounts to empty out the stock. It's sad to see such an empty store every morning when I go in. Luckily, Penny, the owner, is on a week long cruise with her man so she is getting a respite from watching her "Baby" close up after 14 years.

I am excited to say that my encaustic supplies should arrive this saturday! I have everything set up in the new teaching studio for my students and I can't wait to move my classes here to my studio. I have plenty of reference books out, a big comfy sofa to sit at for reading the books, easels and plenty of great lighting! I will try to get some photos up since all my photos went "bye-bye" with my old hard drive.

Well folks.....Iv'e got to pack the car with art equipment and then I'm off to the store. I will catch you all later. Peace


1 comment:

  1. You hang in there girl. Good things come to those who give. There will be a hard drive in your future, you just wait and see.
